Sunday, July 6, 2014

Feta and Cream Cheese Chicken

I love feta cheese to make Greek-inspired salads and omelets.  Problem is that I never seem to use it all.  I found a recipe where you use the below cheese mixture to stuff chicken breasts.  I had frozen chicken tenders so figured I would make my own creation!

1/4 cup feta cheese
2 tablespoons cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon (rough estimate) Italian seasoning*
1 teaspoon (rough estimate) fresh lemon juice**

I pan-seared 4 chicken tenders in coconut oil and sprinkled them with pepper.  While they browned, I mixed all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Once they were cooked, I used a spatula and basting brush to spread the mixture on top of the chicken and let it melt a bit on low heat.

I served it with fresh, uncooked asparagus and a little salad. Yum!

* the original recipe called for basil but I used this instead since I didn't have basil
** this was my own addition and added a nice touch I think

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