Rather than posting about a new recipe, I thought this time I would talk about my new craze: coconut oil, baking soda, and vinegar. These products are inexpensive, versatile, and work great! Here are some of my favorite uses...
Coconut oil serves as a great cooking oil. I use it whenever I cook something in a pan: eggs, chicken, hamburger meat, boiling pasta, etc. It leaves no taste and melts fast (at 76 degrees in fact).
I also stir coconut oil into my oatmeal. I use the minute oats, about a teaspoon of coconut oil, some honey to sweeten, and fresh blueberries...so good!!
It is also possible to replace butter with coconut oil. I tried this making "no bake" cookies but it just wasn't the same. It wasn't bad...just not the same. I like the butter we use so I'm not up for switching that out just yet.
Skin care:
I unfortunately have dealt with toenail fungus for what seems like forever. I also regularly develop athletes foot between two of my toes (the same two every time). I used to use an athletes foot cream whenever it showed up and have just hid the toenail fungus with polish. I
could have used various treatments to try and clear it up or spent hundreds of dollars on doctors to treat it...knowing that it may or may not even work. But, guess what, coconut oil takes care of it! It fights fungus naturally and softens your feet at the same time! It rub it on my toe nails and in between my trouble toes twice daily. I've noticed the fungus slowly going away and it keeps that nasty athletes foot at bay. I've also been rubbing some on my heals to help with the dry, cracked skin that always happens in the summer.
After shaving, I rub coconut oil on my legs and bikini area. It works great as a skin softener and helps with those nasty bumps in sensitive areas. I also use it after plucking my eyebrows, the redness goes away almost instantly and no longer hurts.
For years I have been using an apricot scrub to clean my face. I loved the grit because it feels like it cleaned my face well. Now, I mix baking soda and water to make a paste, plus a few drops of lavender essence oil, and it works amazing! I don't have a formula to give you, I just fill up a small Tupperware tub about 3/4 full of baking soda and slowly mix in some water until it forms a paste. I make it a little more watery than a paste actually because after a few days, it forms a dry paste and I just mix in water from the shower until its back to how I want it again.
Hair care:
I've been trying a few combinations to get my hair care regime just right. You can use coconut oil in the shower as a conditioner but for me, it came out a bit too greasy.
Baking soda and water makes a great shampoo. Weird right? One tablespoon of baking soda mixed in 8oz water is all you need to clean your hair, not all this expensive stuff companies have been telling us all this time. I mix it together in a measuring cup and pour it into a spray bottle. To use it, shake up the bottle a bit and spray, making sure to get all over. You don't need a lot but get it all on there and use your fingers to rub it in.
For a conditioner, use the same formula (1 tablespoon and 8oz) of vinegar and water. I use good ol' white vinegar but some say apple cider vinegar is better. And, despite what you may think, you can't smell it after the shower. Yes, you can smell it in the shower but once you rinse it out, the smell does not linger.
I now wash my hair every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with this method. You don't need to wash your hair any more than that and some people even wash less! There is no icky residue left and it cleans so well that your hair still feels great the next day. A side benefit to using them in the shower is that it also helps to clean your shower and tub, not make it worse!
I also stopped using product (mousse, gel, etc) and instead rub a bit of coconut oil on my hands and through my hair. This works surprisingly well to hold my curls while keeping my hair soft.
Personal care:
Mixing equal parts baking soda and coconut oil serves two purposes: toothpaste and deodorant. Yes, its true! I mix the two in another small Tupperware and keep it by the sink. I use my finger to tab a bit on my toothbrush and add just a drop of regular toothpaste to get the minty flavor. You can mix in some of your favorite mint essence oil but I figure I might as well use up my toothpaste I have lying around!
For deodorant, just dab some on your fingers and rub it in your armpits. I used this for the first time yesterday and went for a bike ride at about the hottest part of the day. I was sweaty every where but my pits! It did sting for about a half hour after applying but it goes away and is probably because of shaving. I'm wondering if dabbing on some baby powder on top might help.
I keep another small Tupperware tub of plain coconut oil to use as lotion, hair product, and lip care. I am addicted to lip gloss and chapstick so this is an ok supplement but doesn't quite feed the addiction (I know, pathetic).
There is am ancient technique called "oil pulling" which you can use coconut oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, or whatever you like. It is supposed to help with teeth and gum cleaning as well as any other mouth ailment you might have. You simply swish a teaspoon of oil for 20 minutes before brushing then spit and rinse with water. I tried it but can't do it for the full 20 minutes so switched to the homemade toothpaste and called it good. Maybe I will try it again another time but it just wasn't for me.
Home care:
One day I will make my own laundry detergent (its actually pretty easy to make) but for now I buy a large tub of store brand powder detergent and I've enjoyed the savings compared to liquid and have not noticed a difference in quality. This week, I started using half detergent and half baking soda. This cuts down on using the detergent so it lasts twice as long and my clothes are actually softer!
I read that adding a half cup of vinegar during the rinse cycle acts a softener. I tried this on a few loads but didn't see much of a difference.
I've been sprinkling some baking soda over the dishes and at the bottom of the dishwasher. It doesn't take a lot but seems to help get it all clean. This also means that I don't need to use as much detergent.
To wash my wood floors, I simply pour some vinegar (I don't measure, just pour until I think its enough - you don't' need a lot) into a sink of water. I don't use a bucket but the same method applies. It dries quick, doesn't smell, cleans great, and sanitizes the mop all at the same time! I've been interested in adding some lemon juice as well.
Final thoughts:
As you can see, I am pretty passionate about using coconut oil, baking soda, and vinegar! I found the best place to shop for it all is Sam's Club. I found a 54oz tub of coconut oil for about $12, a huge bag of baking soda for about $6, and two large jugs of vinegar for about $4. All of this lasts quite a while so its a huge savings, especially considering how much I am also saving on the products that I've created instead of buying!
There are lots of sites out there dedicated to do-it-yourself projects like these. I haven't found one that I like over others but its an easy search to read more. I encourage you to do your own search and try things yourself. Its all about experimenting and seeing what is right for you.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, other projects you've tried, and new ideas!